March 17th 2016

L'Oreal VoxBox Review!
Hey pals! I was fortunate enough to receive Influenster's Voxbox! If you've never heard of a Voxbox, no worries! Here's a little blurb about Influenster from the company themselves:
VoxBoxes are packages filled with complimentary products from your favorite (or soon-to-be-favorite) brands. Not all Voxboxes are created equal: some campaigns feature an assortment of products while others will spotlight one awesome brand. But make no mistake: all VoxBoxes are created equally awesome.

Here's how it works: Throughout many of our ongoing campaigns, Influensters receive FREE themed product shipments based on information disclosed by answering Snaps, their measured Social Impact across all connected networks, demographics, and, well, good old fashioned luck. Did you forget to connect your social media accounts or share any information with us? Then no wonder we haven't been able to match you with a box yet -- we're practically strangers!"
I was lucky enough to be chosen for the L'Oreal Extraordinary Oils VoxBox. This collection of products has Six oils! It contains Argan Oil, Sunflower Oil, Amla Oil, Soy Oil, Coconut Oil and Chamomile Oil! That's a lot of oils let me tell you. At first, I thought that my normally poor dry but oily hair didn't stand a chance against such a formula but boy was I wrong. First, let's talk about the shampoo and conditioner combo. They smell amazing and the packaging is nice! I'm a huge klutz so having a product that's not awkwardly shaped makes my toes extremely happy because that means fewer shampoo bottles fall on them. I'm looking at you Aussie! I've used this shampoo three to four times a week and I've noticed my hair is a lot more nourished! My hair tends to be dry near the ends. That's probably from a nasty combination of heat and going waaaaay too long without a trim but that's another story. Whereas my roots tend to be greasy at times - I've become far too familiar with dry shampoo. I was really surprised that a shampoo with as many oils as it contains not only helped - but didn't make my roots worse with daily usage. The conditioner is great as well and really helped my dry ends when I concentrated more product on them. Over all, I've been extremely satisfied with this shampoo + conditioner!

Let's talk about the hair mask next. This mask is pretty awesome as it says right on the container that it's safe for everyday use. I tend to use it when I have more time, however, as it does require five minutes or so to soak in. I really enjoyed this mask as well - and when paired with the shampoo it made my hair so soft I couldn't stop petting it. I'm not kidding. The only thing that irks me is it doesn't quite smell like the shampoo and conditioner. Don't get me wrong, it's not a horrible smell! It's just not as good as the shampoo, that's all!

All and all, I think this is a fantastic line of products. While browsing my local grocery store I did find a few other products in the line not included in my VoxBox. I think there may have been a dry oil spray at this location. Looking online there appears to be an oil serum and a leave in conditioner treatment as well! I'd highly recommend this product and if you're looking for a new shampoo BFF - I think this might be it.

[ I just wanted to take a minute to stress that I was provided with these products for free through Influenster! However, these opinions are completely my own. Just because I may have disliked the product doesn't mean it won't work for you and I highly encourage you to give it a try for yourself! ]

Thanks for taking the time to read my review, and see you in the next post!

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